World Oral Health Day
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova marked the World Oral Health Day through an activity of informing the patients of University Dental Clinic No. 2. The action was organized by Ion Lupan Department of Pediatric Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (OMF) and pedodontics together with students and resident physicians from the Faculty of Dentistry.
“Today's event was aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and, in particular, maintaining proper oral hygiene at any age. It is essential to teach small children that brushing our teeth the right way is very important for health”, mentioned Elena Stepco, associate professor at Ion Lupan Department of Pediatric Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (OMF) and pedodontics.
Thus, the patients of the Clinic ̶ children, parents and grandparents ̶ were acquainted, through informative videos and presentations offered by specialists, with the efficient methods of dental care, healthy food and drinks, and with the dangerous ones. The participants learned about the most common diseases of the oral cavity and the causes of their occurrence, but also about the methods of prevention and how often it is necessary to consult a dentist.
The most enthusiastic were the little ones, who were actively involved in the games prepared by organizers, and in the end won small prizes.
Daria, 6-year-old: “I liked it the most when the doctor showed us how to brush our teeth properly.”
World Oral Health Day is marked annually on March 20. This day was adopted by the General Assembly of the International Dental Federation on October 26, 2007 in the United Arab Emirates and celebrated for the first time on September 12, 2008.
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